Kindergarten - Grade 2
In K-2 we lay the foundation for success in the rest of a child’s academic career. Not only do children learn the basics of literacy and mathematics, they also develop a love for learning and the perseverance to see things through even when they aren’t easy. Students learn reading and math individually and in groups through a variety of hands-on, print-based, and digital activities targeted to meet their personal learning needs. They begin to identify strengths and weaknesses within their own learning and help select activities to support their own growth.
Children also learn about the world around them and how it works through a wide variety of exciting social studies activities, science experiments, and engineering challenges. They even learn to write code to control tiny robots! Through it all, they learn to think for themselves, to share their thoughts with others, to listen to others’ thoughts, to try new things, to celebrate their successes, and to turn their failures into stepping stones toward future success.
Most importantly, students learn about their forever friend Jesus and His power to make them more and more like Him. Through classroom worships and Bible classes, we begin and end each day with God. In addition, Scripture music is used during transition times throughout the day, and by hearing it, students begin to absorb the Word of God almost without realizing it. Children also have the opportunity to praise God through music as they practice and perform hymns and other religious music on bells and tone chimes.
In our classroom, learning is a joyful adventure in growing our hearts and minds for Jesus.

Grade 3 - Grade 8
In grades 3 through 8, we focus on continuing to develop the foundations essential for the rest of the students’ lives. Students learn more than the 3 R's; learning to love Jesus and to follow Him is the emphasis in everything we do in class.
Subject matter for these classes includes Bible study, math, science, social studies, language arts, art, physical education, and band. I have always wanted to educate students and to share with them my knowledge and curiosity of the world we live in. I like to present information to students in ways that they enjoy and also in ways that encourage them to expand their curiosity for learning. I find that students learn and enjoy education by doing projects that explore new subjects.
Every day is a special day for us!
Field trips are enjoyed by our classroom, and the Accelerated Reading program keeps students constantly striving for higher levels of comprehension and reading enjoyment. Our classes go beyond the book, and students experience learning by doing hands-on projects, by working in the community, such as helping at the Food Bank once a month, by competing in the Lego Robotics program, and by attending Outdoor School (for 5th and 6th Graders) and the Idaho History Rendezvous (4th graders).