Beacon Christian School is accredited by the accredited by the NWAC (Northwest Accreditation Commission), AdvanceEd and the National Council for Private School Accreditation. We have a strong academic program (Students in our school system tend to test farther above their peers the longer they attend) and seek to educate the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. Our curriculum is standards-based, and, in addition the regular academic courses, we include music, physical education, and a Bible class that is based on the Scriptures. All of our curriculum is taught from a Christian perspective, with high moral values emphasized. Where possible, teachers include hands-on activities in their classes and also encourage students to participate in activities which will bless the community—helping at the food bank, sharing music at nursing homes, hosting a toy or food drive, etc.
Beacon has various extra-curricular activities ranging from its school programs (Christmas and Spring) and a Harvest Party to winter sports and Lego robotics. Each teacher strives to become thoroughly acquainted with each child and create an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie. Older students mingle freely and happily with younger students during weekly chapels and other activities.
"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning."
Together with the family of each student, we seek to accomplish this for each student by creating a safe learning environment that:
- Cultivates dependence on God’s Word, the Bible, for guidance in daily life
- Teaches the great themes of the Bible
- Leads to an awareness of the reality of God and His interest in the things of everyday living
- Instills the ideals of integrity, honesty, purity, dependability, neatness, and punctuality
- Fosters the qualities of self-respect and respect for others
- Utilizes a variety of learning experiences, including current technology, while not jeopardizing classroom discipline
- Takes into account the learning style of each young person, thus enabling progress at his/her own rate and training for future education
- Develops a sense of responsibility for one’s own behaviors during school activities with the goal of preparing each for eventual responsible citizenship
- Encourages creativity and appropriate, independent thinking and communication skills
Beacon Christian School exists to show children Jesus, nurture their relationship with Him, teach them to think, and empower them to love and serve others.
Beacon Christian School operates in harmony with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Office of Education in the North American Division, to provide a spiritually-oriented education for children. A belief in the existence of the Creator God is fundamental in the philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist schools. We respect His divine authority and recognize His intervention in human affairs.
The faculty, school board, and churches associated with Beacon Christian School are committed to a quality Christian education that:
- Actively seeks to integrate Jesus Christ into all facets of learning
- Meets the mental, physical, social, and spiritual needs of the whole person
- Maximizes the full potential of each unique student through active participation in learning